Saturday, January 18, 2014

PikiThins Shop Has Reopened & News

Ah!! Holy, it's been centuries since I've updated this blog; about two years :(. I've been really out of the game, but I'm glad to be back :D! I hope everyone has been staying alive and well!
I've been on a bit of a roller coaster since my last blog post. I closed the shop down two years ago since I was trying to resolve some personal issues and stabilize myself financially.

My shop used to sell macrame jewelry, but I decided to change my focus. My shop now sells handmade books. Coptic stitch books are a favorite method of mine. I also updated my blog layout and business cards. I hand drew the PikiThins font and redesigned the card. I'm quite pleased with the result.

This is one of my favorite books that I made: The Brown Crocodile. I found this really cool paper that imitated crocodile skin, and I just had to use it for a new book! It also has a nice weight to it. It's soft covered, using micro vented wall coverings for book covers. I picked this up at the Architecture firm I work in. Nothing like free material to use! It was going to be thrown out, so I had to grab it.

 Another book, the Arrow, is another favorite of mine. 

It's currently snowing (it looks more like mini bombs falling from the sky than snow...the snowflakes are huge!), and I have much work to attend to. In the mean time, browse my newly updated links on the side to see what else I've been up to. 

Stay warm!

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