Hello all! I know I haven't been blogging as much, sorry XD. Anyway, I have been enthralled with a few projects, so I haven't been completely wasting my time =). Above are three new dolls apart of a collection of 31 dolls all together. They will have the same body shape while exploring different stitch techniques. The stitching part took forever to do on each doll =O!

Here they are again, hanging out in the back yard =). We have two benches in the yard. I'm not really sure if I should sell these dolls in the shop. My mom says the dolls remind her of little brownstone buildings XD.

I am not sure what to name them, surprisingly. He was my favorite to make with plaid fabric! The knot stitch here took me a couple of hours to do.

I love her! =D She reminds me of a witty character. I used a chain stitch to make it seem as if a bee flew into her ear. You can enlarge all the pictures to get a closer look.

OMG. This doll took me FOREVER to stitch! She has around 73 individual star stitches next to a chain stitch on top of plaid fabric (I have a thing for plaid =P). Phew, it came out great though! The star stitch reminds me of flowers. She is one of the calmer personalities in the group.

Her name is Olive =). She was the first doll to inspire the 31 dolls collection. I might redo her so she can have a similar shape to the other dolls. I used a knot stitch here to make leaves and flowers on her body.

Aside from those cute critters, I have been exploring kanzashi flowers with fabric! They are pretty easy to make and I found a tutorial online using google. I'm planning to make three flowers in red, white, and yellow to match the kimono I shall be wearing for the Cherry Blossom Festival in May =). The fabrics on the bottom are going to be used to make the next batch of dolls.

Ah yes, and this is the cabinet I completed a few weeks ago. I sanded, stained it three times in peach, and then painted a free form design in copper paint. I liked the single color, so I decided not to add anything extra. It came out great!
The next things I'm planning to make are bare beaded bracelets, since I don't have any in the shop. Until then <3
wow to everything! First of all those dolls rock! Second of all I LOVE the kanzashi flowers!! The colors your chose are perfect. And finally your dresser looks great :)) The suspense of everything has been killing me :D
Love the dolls. I bet they are even more impressive in real life, with all the lovely stitching.
Olive is adorable. :)
Heh thanks guys! Im working on the next batch
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