Sunday, October 4, 2009

And the winner is....


Izzy: Hi PonderandStitch! How are you? This is Izzy from the Pikithins Library! Congratulations!!!! You have won the first FREE bracelet raffle giveaway from the Pikithins shop! Piki will be so happy when I tell her! You can browse through her shop and pick out the bracelet design you want as your prize! =D Either leave a convo on Piki's shop or leave an email! Make sure to include your wrist size so Piki can make the bracelet the appropriate size!

Izzy: Thanks everyone for being a Pikithins blog follower and fan! You all have been great supporters to Piki! I have to go now! Honz will be furious if I don't head back to the Library quick! Fro will make a mess of things if i'm not there to supervise! Till the next giveaway, bye and nice meeting you all!!

-Izzy the Librarian soft doll

1 comment:

LEFTZ said...

hehe congrats Ponder