Hail the Balloon Princess Baloosa! This creature wanders the earth, collecting balloons abandoned from the hands of children. She takes the balloons and etches them into her skin and clothing, where the balloon itself won't be afraid of popping from the world.

THIS was a project XD. I think what took me the longest was all the embroidering. I love how she came out though. At first, she was a guy, but then I changed her gender =P.

Her body is made out of shirting fabric and felt. I cut balloon shapes and embroidered balloon strings all over her body. Next, I made the hat out of felt and quilting fabric. I cut strands of yarn to create braided hair.

The cape took me the longest time to do! First I had to sew the four pieces of felt together before I can even embroider the back and add buttons.

This is the cape. I love how it came out. Remember those Ballook characters I created for cards? She is a Ballook herself! Her cape does come off. The next Ballook I am making is called...The Joker. (NO, not from Batman!)
I really adore this doll!
She's got spunk and style! Love it :)
She looks great!
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